AWS ElastiCache Redis バージョンアップ&ノードタイプ変更時の注意点
AWS より cache.m3 系から cache.m5 系へのアップグレードを促されました。
One or more of your Amazon ElastiCache clusters is running on our previous generation node type cache.m3.medium. We strongly recommend that you migrate to one of our latest generation node types, and with ElastiCache it is fast and easy to choose a new instance type for your cluster.
Our latest generation node types offer benefits such as better price per compute performance, higher-performing CPUs, improved memory, network performance, and ElastiCache optimizations such as enhanced I/O that provides improved throughput per node.
Migration to the latest generation node types is available via our scale-up feature. To scale up your cluster:
First, determine the best upgrade path from your previous generation node type(s) to the latest generation, see